Sunday, February 20, 2011


Home Health nurse came today around 10:00am. She was really nice, we had a good time together. She is actually is a clinical instructor where I went to nursing school. So we had some things in common to chat about.

One things I've noticed is that everyplace does things a little different in regards to mediport access. I know how Geisinger does theirs so I just figured that was they way it had to be done. Apparently that is not the case. I'm not sure if the nurse I had today had ever even accessed a mediport before. It was a learning experience for both of us. I was able to tell her how I've watched it be done a Geisinger and then she followed my lead. One institution may do things one way while the other may do things another way. At least she was a nurse that didn't mind me telling her how it was done and how to do it, but I think most of that was because she really truly didn't know. All in all though, it went well and she was able to get the blood drawn. Hopefully the results will be good and I won't get a call saying otherwise. She wasn't sure what day the nurses were coming next. So I guess it will be a surprise.

I'm probably going to spend the afternoon resting and working on my pictures. I think I am going to try and get them organized. I also received a coupon from when I bought my new camera to get a photo book. So I may work on getting that put together so I can get that ordered this week. Maybe I will find some pictures I had forgot about or slipped through the cracks that I will feel like posting on here later today.

Taking it one day at a time!!


Anonymous said...

what would of the nurse done if she visited a person that was not a nurse??

Brenda said...

Good question!!! I'm not sure. She looked at the sterile gloves and mask and was like "what are they for?"

Oh well, at least I knew!!!

Anonymous said...

so sorry for you and all the other people that she had to visit. Maybe this should be mentioned to someone in charge of this care!!