Friday, April 01, 2011

Phone calls update!!!

So today I called the HR department and to get the scoop on what is going to happen when my FMLA runs out at the end of this month. My boss mentioned that she would try and get me an extended medical leave. So, when my FMLA runs out I will automatically begin my extended medical leave which last for one full year from the day it starts. Since I have no PTO time, which means no money, Geisinger covers all my insurance for that full year. (Answer to prayer!!!) When medically cleared to go back to work I have two months to get a job as an internal hire. Which means they will first see if my floor has any openings and if not to find a job that would be best for me. So knowing this is a relief, especially that I will still have insurance.

Now for the Temple and insurance situation. I called the insurance to see if they received the paperwork and if it was approved/denied. They acted like they didn't receive any paperwork, but that I didn't need any. They said Temple was cooperating with them and that I could just go ahead and do what they wanted done. So when I called Temple to schedule the appointment I got a totally different story. I guess I was the second person that day to call and say that, but they hadn't heard that from the insurance company. So they are going to have to look into the situation further. So now I have to wait to hear back from them.

So hopefully they will soon get the straightened out and get my appointment scheduled so that things can move along.

Taking it one day at a time!!!


I just realized when I was typing the date that today is - April Fool's Day!!! If I was at work I might try a prank but I'm not, so no April Fool's day jokes for me.

I need to call Temple and/or the insurance company to see what is going on with the requests. It has been 3.5 weeks now and I haven't heard a single thing. The doctor on Monday ever so nicely mentioned that Geisinger does all the tests and procedure that Temple is wanting done but that he didn't think they would be beneficial for me! Are you serious? Annoying!!!

My boss at work told me that I will be placed on extended medical leave once my FMLA runs out. So I have to call HR and get some questions answered and see what all needs done to get that ball rolling. I just hope I can keep my job and my insurance. I don't know what I would do if they didn't hold my job and I lost insurance.

Hoping things work out!!!
Taking it one day at a time!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I had my GI doctor appointment on Monday. It was just for a follow-up except that I started getting sick on Sunday so for me it was more of a "what's wrong now" appointment.

I started having bad abdominal on Sunday morning and have been having troubles with my bowels since I was in the hospital. Since the hospitalization I had to take a laxative everyday it seemed just to go. I didn't like doing that, so I decided to stop and see what my body would do on it's own. Well I guess the answer is not much. I started with abdominal pain, leaking around J-tube sight, vomiting without anything by mouth. The doctor would have liked to have just done an x-ray or CT scan but knowing that I have been exposed to so much radiation and such he is concerned about me getting cancer from all the tests I've had done. So he elected for a more conservative route for now. So now I have to do 2 suppositories a day and take a stool softener pill when I can - fun fun!!! If it doesn't get better within a week I'm supposed to let him know. 

Now here are my thoughts. Since I know some things from being a nurse - I am concerned for a bowel obstruction or that something is wrong with my J-tube. I also know that they are not good things to just wait around on either. The pain wasn't any better maybe a little worse on Tuesday. Today the pain was some better this morning getting a little worse tonight, but I can hope that things are straightening up on their own. If something is wrong I'd rather get it taken care of sooner than later.

I'll see how I feel tomorrow as to whether or not I call and schedule another appointment. 

Taking it one day at a time!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Thursday I had a nutrition appointment at Geisinger. They decided that they wanted me to try backing off on the TPN and do it every other day. They figure I will have to stay on the TPN though until Temple starts doing things that hopefully can help.

I have another GI appointment on Monday, so I'll let you know how that appointment goes on Monday night. It's with the doctor at Geisinger that gets me pretty frustrated sometimes. So I guess we will see how it goes.

I still haven't heard anything from Temple regarding the insurance approval/denial. This Tuesday will be 3 weeks so I think I should soon be hearing something. If I don't hear by the end of the week I might give them a call and see what the scoop is.

A different home health nurse will be coming on Monday. I hope she is nice and knows what she is doing :) I think I will only be getting a dressing change. I don't think they are drawing labs this week unless they want to check my electrolytes since I am now only doing TPN every other day, but I doubt it.

Today is not a very good day. I thought last night I might have had a little fever and than today I'm in a lot of pain and feel lousy. So I will definitely be taking it easy today.

Taking it one day at a time!!!