Friday, June 17, 2011


Still haven't heard back from Dr. Fisher, so I guess I will be calling back on Monday and seeing what is going on. I've noticed that Temple seems really bad with getting back to me after I've called them. I even spoke with a real person this last time and still haven't received my call back yet.

I also am having my blood work on Monday. I had them add a hepatic function panel to the labs because I've been noticing that my eyes are a little jaundiced. Liver failure can be an adverse effect of TPN, so I just want to make sure that everything is alright.

Other than that there is really nothing new happening. Just taking it one day at a time and trying to go with the flow!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Temple update!!!

I put a call in to Temple, specifically Dr. Fishers office, last week to see what I am to do now. He wanted that specific test done first that geisinger insurance will not cover. So I called him to see how he wants to proceed, so I am waiting to hear back from him. Will call again this week if I still haven't heard anything by Thursday or Friday.

Trying to take it one day at a time!!!