Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I had my GI doctor appointment on Monday. It was just for a follow-up except that I started getting sick on Sunday so for me it was more of a "what's wrong now" appointment.

I started having bad abdominal on Sunday morning and have been having troubles with my bowels since I was in the hospital. Since the hospitalization I had to take a laxative everyday it seemed just to go. I didn't like doing that, so I decided to stop and see what my body would do on it's own. Well I guess the answer is not much. I started with abdominal pain, leaking around J-tube sight, vomiting without anything by mouth. The doctor would have liked to have just done an x-ray or CT scan but knowing that I have been exposed to so much radiation and such he is concerned about me getting cancer from all the tests I've had done. So he elected for a more conservative route for now. So now I have to do 2 suppositories a day and take a stool softener pill when I can - fun fun!!! If it doesn't get better within a week I'm supposed to let him know. 

Now here are my thoughts. Since I know some things from being a nurse - I am concerned for a bowel obstruction or that something is wrong with my J-tube. I also know that they are not good things to just wait around on either. The pain wasn't any better maybe a little worse on Tuesday. Today the pain was some better this morning getting a little worse tonight, but I can hope that things are straightening up on their own. If something is wrong I'd rather get it taken care of sooner than later.

I'll see how I feel tomorrow as to whether or not I call and schedule another appointment. 

Taking it one day at a time!!!

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