Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/17/2011 (8:30pm update)

Well, I finally made it home around 6:00pm. I guess the doctor got busy and had patients crashing so that is why I didn't get to go home before noon like they had said. I just got tired of waiting around though. The later it got the more I began to think I wasn't going to get to come home today. I was also worried that nobody would be home for when Vitaline delivered all my TPN and line supplies.

At 7:30 the home health nurse came and did my vitals and helped me get my TPN set up for the first night at home. Since I am a nurse it was easy and I did most of it by myself. I guess tomorrow a nurse will be coming and actually doing an admission, and from what I hear it takes about 2 hours. Sounds fun!!!

I have a primary care physician follow-up appointment on Monday and hopefully tomorrow my GI follow-up appointment will be scheduled for early next week. The biopsy results will go to my GI doctor. So I will either find out at an appointment or will be called with the results. I'm not sure how many days it will take to get the results.

Well, I think I'm soon heading to bed. It has been a long day.


Anonymous said...

: ))
Good to have you home!!!

Crystal Mason said...

Hmmm...was that Mom who left the anonymous comment? ;-)

Glad you're home too!

Ronda Steen said...

Glad you are home, hopefully things go real well for ya. Take care, love ya and still praying for ya.