Monday, February 21, 2011

Let Me Vent!!!

This is a trial run of posts that I will call "Let me Vent" . These post are where I will vent once and awhile about things that are really bothering me. It can be about anything and please know that these posts are not pointed at any individuals specifically. So, here goes the first one!

Upon discharge from the hospital everybody assumes you are doing better. Why wouldn't they? I totally get it.  I'm sure I would be assuming the same thing because that is how things work. You get sick, go to hospital, start getting better, go home. That's how things work. Well, not so much the case in my situation. I was discharged home because there was nothing else they could do for me, and what they were doing I'm able to do at home. So there is no point keeping me in the hospital when they can't do anything more for me. So therefore I was discharged home to be followed by nurses until I can get to Temple. To keep hanging in there till I get to Temple to see if there is anything they can do there. They offer different tests and surgeries that may be available. What they are doing for me right now is not necessarily going to help me get better or feel better, it is just to keep me from getting any worse. At this point I wouldn't be able to handle getting worse because I'm already not good.

I guess the point that is frustrating to me is that people assume things are better or getting better when they're not and I don't have the heart to tell them that things actually aren't really any better. (I'm such a sucker.)  Instead I just either agree with them or answer some generic response that can be taken however they want it to!

Well now that this is off my mind, I'm going to bed. Good night all!!!


Ronda Steen said...

Brenda we know those feelings totally. We are in the same situation with Leland and sometimes you just don't know what to say cause nothing is better or changed. I am still praying for you and I am so glad you felt free to vent, I a lot of times hold it in, until I bust. Anytime you want to talk give me a call. I will listen anytime, cause I do understand some of what you are going thru. Hope your appointment goes well today, keep encouraged I love ya, Ronda P.s. Justin returns to Delaware on Thursday for a 1:30 appt. I am hoping we get some answers....

Brenda said...

Thanks Ronda!!!

Ann said...

Guilty as charged...sorry!!! I've been in similar situations and it does get tiring having to repeat the same thing over and over. So...I won't ask anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't care and am uninterested in how you're feeling. Let me know now and then how things are going,OK?, and I'll try not to bother you (or your mom!) with too many questions. Love you - Ann

Brenda said...

Ann- don't feel guilty. Like I said in the post, it was not pointed at anybody.