Friday, May 20, 2011

Appointment update for 5/19/11

I had an appointment Thursday morning with my primary GI doctor at Geisinger. Overall, it went fairly well. I think I figured out part of why I have trouble with him. It is how he comes into the room and greets me and his attitude. He immediately gets me on the defensive, so then I feel like I have to fight to just try and tell him how things are going. He does it the same way everytime too. I was able to get past that and then things seemed to go alright then.
They are increasing my TPN. They were letting me do every other day, but now that I am back to work I must be burning more calories so I had lost some weight. Plus, I wasn't able to get the full 14 hours in on the days I did work. So now I will be doing the TPN 5 days a week with 2 free days, but they also lowered the time and the volume. Instead of doing 2,000mls over 14 hours, I will be doing 1,500mls over 10 hours. I shouldn't have any trouble getting the full 10 hours in since I am only working 8 hours shifts. So I guess we will see how that goes.
He also changed my G-tube at the appointment. It had last been changed in December and it recently started draining quite a bit more than normal and it had a foul smelling odor to it. Well, he informed me today that the tubes needed changed every 3 months. I would think they would be keeping track of that and have me schedule appointments to be getting my tubes changed, but I guess not. My J-tube should have been done also, but he didn't even mention that. That should have been changed in April.
He did ask how things are going with Temple. So I explained that nothing has been scheduled or done yet. At the end then he said to contact him and he would try giving them a call if we REALLY needed him too. I would think that he should be already since it's been 3 months, but he did not seem to be in a hurry or volunteer to do it now. I guess he thinks we should give them a little more time on there own.
We did receive another email from Temple and it looks like we are getting closer to getting the first test/procedure scheduled. I'm hoping (not going to hold my breath though)!!!
I'm on a long stretch at work right now, I'm on day 4/5. So only 1 more night and I will have 2 days off.
Hoping to maybe get out on Saturday and go fishing with my dad. It's has been a long time since I have been fishing. I used to love to go fishing and would do it quite frequently, but with going to college and than working nights I haven't done it much. Maybe I will try and take a camera along and see if I can get any nice pictures.
It has been really dreary here lately, in weather and in spirit at times. Hoping that the sun soon breaks through and warms and cheers things up.
Taking it one day at a time!!!

1 comment:

Angie D said...

Praying for answers, Brenda! It was good to chat with you the other day.