Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It Will Be Worth It All!!!

No matter what we go through in this life, how hard and dark it might seem - It will be worth it all to make it safely to the other side. Everything in this life is worth it all to just make it to heaven and see Jesus.

I often lose sight of the end goal when problems in my life are right in front of me and that is all I can see. I go through life looking straight ahead as far as I can, but when problems in my life are so big I can't see very far ahead. I look at my feet and I can't see to even take the next step. It's so dark and I wonder if there is even ground underneath the next step. That is when I need to realize I shouldn't even be looking down or straight ahead but I need to look up because that is where I will find the help, the strength and wisdom I need to go on. I need to get my focus off my problems and focus on the goal, which is Jesus. Maybe God puts big huge problems right in front of us to remind us where we need to be looking - up!!! We need to look up to Him and trust him that there is ground underneath our next step and we just need to have faith in him.

I need to look at this trial as a stepping stone and see what growth and benefits I can get from it. I don't need to look at it as a valley but as something to build me up. Not looking at it as, am I ever going to get better, but look at it as what can I take from this. How can I use what I am going through to help others?

Yes, this was a lot easier to type than it is for me to actually try and do. With God's help though I will take this season of my life and make the best out of it.

Taking it one day at a time!!!


Christa said...

We're praying! :)

Kara Plank said...

I was just thinking of you, and these scriptures came to mind:
Romans 5:3-6 (our sufferings work for our character)

2 Corinthians 1:7 (we share in our sufferings and comforts together)

I am praying that the Lord would equip you what you need for the journey in glorifying Christ in your sufferings.(Hebrews 13:21)