Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/17 Temple Appointment Update

Around 4:00am Monday morning my mom and I left to travel to Philly for my appointment at 8:40 at Temple. We always leave early so we have plenty of time in case of traffic, accidents or anything that could delay us. It takes a long time to schedule an appointment so we wouldn't want to do anything on our part that would cause us to miss it.

I received the results of the testing I had done and it's official that I have diffuse gastroparesis. They did tests and it showed that my stomach has trouble moving both the liquids and solids from my stomach, and that my colon doesn't want to work correctly either. The rest of the testing turned out to be basically normal (which is kind of what we figured.) I'm just happy to actually hear a diagnosis that they can prove. It seems like there was always a question as to whether or not I had gastroparesis, but now that the test show it, maybe we can figure out how to procede. They did stress that there is not cure, but they may be able to better control the symptoms it causes.

The doctor is starting me on a medication I took a few years back with no success. He wants me to try it again for 3 months until my next follow up appointment. They did also give me a consent form and information on a surgery that I am a good candidate for that has helped some people. Originally, people called it the stomach pacemaker, they thought it worked basically like a heart pacemaker to stimulate the stomach to contract and move food along as it should. Since then, they found out that it doesn't work quite like that, but that it does relieve some of the symptoms associated with gastroparesis such as nausea and vomiting. I'm supposed to think over this surgery until my next appointment which is 3 months from now, and if I want to proceed we will start the ball rolling from that point. We did tell them that they could go ahead and submit the paperwork to the insurance company to see if they will even cover it.

So that's about all that happened at Temple. In a future post I may discuss the surgery more in depth, but that's for now, that's all.

Next week I have 2 appointments, one with my local GI doctor and the other with my GI nutrition doctor for my monthy TPN visits.

Taking it one day at a time!!!

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